Thursday, 17 June 2021


Almost finished the main cabin hatch with help from the "supervisor" Molly the parrot. I made 5mm deep and about 1/2"" wide rabbets in the two wings and bedded and sealed the acrylic plexiglass top and bottom with Masterseal NP-1 a polyurethane below the waterline approved sealant that allows oint movement and even passes 4–hour, 4–inch, fire and hose stream test. The arcylic panel is clamped into the window frame with oak strips topsides. I have rubber weather stripping on the outside edge and a three-way gutter system that should channel drips to the outer edge. Brass sash clasps hold the window tight and I just need to put in the hatch window supports to hold it open at various angles.. with limited use of the left hand due to injury this past week, I hope to be able to resume building the roof in a few days.


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