Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Fixing the messy filets

 Well... making progress.. sort of... fixing some issues. I have the seams taped and now just need to fix some drips and some bad fillets.. and finish filleting. I"ve spent this rainy Canada day mostly sanding.. and scraping. When I first tried fillets I used the Dairy Queen spoon method.. and just like eating a peanut buster parfait made a big mess.. so now I am sanding and carefully scraping it much nicer. I also need to sand and coat the sides.. Not sure why I didn't do this on the work bench, but i think it was because I had an epoxy that was too thick and, more suited for glue up and laminating then sealing and coating. Anyways, that will wait for a drier day... The biggest issue is sitting in the boat and wanting to make motorboat sounds.... hopefully next Canada Day I can be out.. Peace out and be excellent!!! feeling optimistic.

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