Saturday, 25 July 2020

Framing time!

Time to begin on the bow and stern framing. Making sure everything is square. In addition cutting out the supports for the motor well and adding the extra strength to the transom! In our build we plan to beef up the bow areas, for boarding and an anchor winch.

rding and an anchor winch.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Fixing the messy filets

 Well... making progress.. sort of... fixing some issues. I have the seams taped and now just need to fix some drips and some bad fillets.. and finish filleting. I"ve spent this rainy Canada day mostly sanding.. and scraping. When I first tried fillets I used the Dairy Queen spoon method.. and just like eating a peanut buster parfait made a big mess.. so now I am sanding and carefully scraping it much nicer. I also need to sand and coat the sides.. Not sure why I didn't do this on the work bench, but i think it was because I had an epoxy that was too thick and, more suited for glue up and laminating then sealing and coating. Anyways, that will wait for a drier day... The biggest issue is sitting in the boat and wanting to make motorboat sounds.... hopefully next Canada Day I can be out.. Peace out and be excellent!!! feeling optimistic.